adult Open Division (ages 13+)

Adult Open Division: Drop-In Classes

BBT’s Adult Open Division offers weekly classes at all levels led by a member of BBT’s celebrated Faculty and featuring live accompaniment at Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced levels. Classes are designed for dancers to begin at any time! Please see the Level descriptions below to select an appropriate class. BBT’s Open Division combines the highest level of ballet training with a positive atmosphere that cultivates community and celebrates individuality.

Ongoing Adult Open Division schedule:

Please see the MindBody schedule for enrollment and weekly updates to the ongoing schedule.

AOD workshops and performance opportunities open throughout the Season:
2024–25 Season Workshops:
• Beginner Ballet Performance Workshop with Robin Dekkers (March–May 2025): Enrollment Open
Summer 2025 Workshops:
• Beginner Ballet Variations Workshop with Robert Greer (May–June 2025): Enrollment Open
• Introduction to Ballet 2 Technique Workshop with Robert Greer (May–June 2025): Enrollment Open
• Introduction to Ballet 1 Technique Workshop with Robert Greer (May–June 2025): Enrollment Open
• Beginner Ballet Variations Workshop with Robert Greer (July–August 2025): Enrollment Open
Recent Workshops

  • Closed: Beginner Variations Workshop with Robert Greer, January–March 2025
  • Closed: Beginner Variations Workshop with Robert Greer, November–December 2024
  • Closed: BBT Nutcracker 2024, Adult Open Division Participation, All Levels, September–December 2024
  • Closed: Beginner Variations Workshop with Robert Greer, September–October 2024
  • Closed: Introduction to Ballet 1 Workshop with Robert Greer, July–August 2024
  • Closed: Introduction to Ballet 2 Workshop with Robert Greer, July–August 2024
  • Closed: Beginner Variations Workshop with Robert Greer, July–August 2024
  • Closed: Introduction to Ballet 1 Workshop with Robert Greer, June 2024
  • Closed: Introduction to Ballet 2 Workshop with Robert Greer, June 2024
  • Closed: Beginner Variations Workshop with Robert Greer, June 2024
  • Closed: Beginner Ballet Performance Workshop with Robert Greer, March–May 2024
  • Closed: Beginner Ballet Variation Workshop with Robert Greer, January–February 2024
  • Closed: Nutcracker 2023 Adult Open Division Participation

Gift Cards for Adult Open Division dancers: Now Available!

Ongoing Open Division Classes:

  • Beginning Contemporary

    • This gentle movement class focuses on developing skills and tools to approach contemporary dance. The class begins with a slow stretchy warmup, followed by follow along rhythmic sequences. Expect to explore medium and low levels of space and low impact jumping. A key goal of this class is to explore new coordinations to bring to any part of your movement practice. All levels are welcome in this class.

  • Introduction to Ballet 1

    • For dancers brand new to ballet or first returning to ballet after many years. This class focuses on the fundamental vocabulary and foundational movements essential to ballet.

  • Introduction to Ballet 2

    • For dancers with a firm knowledge of the basics and 1-2 years of training experience. This class develops a dancer’s command of their foundational technique and prepares them for Beginner Ballet.

  • Beginner Ballet

    • For dancers with 2+ years of training experience and solid understanding of ballet fundamentals. This class follows the traditional flow of a ballet class, moving from barre to center work to jumps, and assumes a dancer knows the foundational vocabulary and movements of ballet technique.

  • Beginner/Intermediate Ballet

    • For dancers with 3+ years of experience and a strong understanding of ballet technique. These classes move through the traditional flow of a ballet class without breaking down the fundamentals, integrating traveling combinations across the floor, grand allegro combinations, and other intricate class work that challenges and inspires dancers with extensive experience in ballet.

  • Beginner/Intermediate Modern

    • For dancers with 3+ years of dance experience and a solid understanding of classroom fundamentals. This class integrates core elements from several modern dance techniques to prepare dancers for a variety of styles that they may encounter in modern dance experiences.

  • Intermediate Ballet

    • For dancers with 4+ years of experience and a strong understanding of ballet technique. These classes move through the traditional flow of a ballet class without breaking down the fundamentals, integrating traveling combinations across the floor, grand allegro combinations, and other intricate class work that challenges and inspires dancers with extensive experience in ballet.

  • Intermediate/Advanced Ballet

    • For dancers with 5+ years of experience and a strong command of their ballet technique. These classes move through the traditional flow of a ballet class without breaking down the fundamentals, integrating traveling combinations across the floor, grand allegro combinations, and other intricate class work that challenges and inspires dancers with extensive experience in ballet.

  • Intermediate/Advanced Contemporary

    • For dancers with 5+ years of dance experience. These classes integrate modern, ballet, and contemporary styles to challenge and inspire dancers interested in exploring a new approach to their classical techniques.

  • Rhythm & Motion

    • Rhythm & Motion is a high-energy, dance-based workout that incorporates a dynamic mix of movement and music styles. The choreography is firmly rooted in dancer fundamentals and is inspired by popular music from around the world, including Latin, hip hop, African, alternative, and R&B.

      Taught by experienced dancers, Rhythm & Motion is for all adults! Drop-ins welcome.

      Though open to dancers of all ages, please be aware that Rhythm & Motion classes use popular music and dance moves which may have mature themes and/or language. If children age 13 and under do attend class they must be accompanied at all times by a participating parent/guardian.

To get started, create a MindBody account with name and email address, sign up for the class that looks right for your current experience level, and join class at 1370 Tenth Street in Berkeley.

  • Full In-Studio Class: 1 Class: $18.00; 8 Classes: $132.00

  • Barre-only In-Studio Class: 3 Barres: $27.00; 8 Barres: $72.00

BBT posts two to four weeks of the Adult Open Division schedule at a time.

CLASS Credits

To purchase Adult Open Division class credits, log into your MindBody account, then:

  1. Select the “Classes” tab.

  2. Select "Sign Up Now" on your class.

  3. Select “Make a Single Reservation” from the “Make a Reservation” screen.

  4. Repeat the above process other classes, then check-out of the “Online Store”.

Adult Open Division: Account Management

BBT manages Adult Open Division classes through 'MindBody', an online application. For information on how to manage your account, select the link below.

Adult Open Division Classes: What to expect

For Your First Class - Arrive 10–15 minutes early to get your bearings, sign in, meet your classmates, and prepare for class.

Clothing - There is no dress code for adult dancers. Fabrics and tailoring that support comfortable, unrestricted movement are recommended. For introductory and beginning classes, many dancers wear standard gym clothes. Some dancers find themselves getting warm as class progresses, so wear multiple layers to facilitate temperature control.

Footwear - Ballet shoes or socks are recommended for all classes.

Class Format - Ballet classes are divided into barre and center. Classes begin at a ballet barre for stretching and warming up; the final half of class involves short choreographed sequences in the center of the room or across the floor.

General class descriptions are designed to help you choose an appropriate class. Not all classes are offered at all times. If you have questions, please email for assistance in finding the class that’s right for you.


BBT Adult Open Division dancer in class, photography by Alexander Reneff-Olson

Adult Open Division dancer, photo by Alexander Reneff-Olson

Adult Open Division dancer, photo by Alexander Reneff-Olson

BBT dancers in contemporary class, photography by Natalia Perez

Artistic Director Robert Dekkers leads an Adult Open Division class at BBT, photo by Natalia Perez

Artistic Director Robin Dekkers leads an Adult Open Division class at BBT, photo by Natalia Perez

BBT Adult Open Division teacher Robert Greer leads class at BBT, photo by Natalia Perez

BBT Adult Open Division teacher Robert Greer leads class at BBT, photo by Natalia Perez