What you need to know and do before arriving at the BBT Studios
Thank you being a part of the BBT community. We’ve developed this page to provide one place for our community of dancers and parent/guardians to reference studio policy changes during the COVID-19 pandemic. BBT remains committed to our mission of being a space where all can dance and have developed numerous ways for all of us to be nurtured in movement from the safety of our personal space.
BBT will be updating these policies regularly to comply with the most up to date recommendations from federal, state, and local health authorities. Last updated: August, 2024
Face Coverings BBT’s Face Coverings requirements are determined based on recommendations made by the California Department of Public Health, CalOSHA industry guidelines for reopening, and the City of Berkeley Health Officer. Face coverings at BBT are optional.
Handwashing/Hygiene BBT’s hygiene requirements are determined by the California Department of Public Health and CalOSHA industry guidelines for reopening. Dancers are required to wash their hands with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available, when arriving and leaving the studio. In addition, dancers are requested to wash their hands before and after meals, after outside play, before and after using the restroom, after having close contact with others, after using shared surfaces and tools, and after blowing nose, coughing, and sneezing.
Air Flow BBT has followed all recommendations from the State of California Department of Public Health and CalOSHA for ventilation, filtration and air quality of indoor environments. According to this guidance, it is ideal for 5 - 6 air changes per hour to take place. BBT has installed enough portable air filtration systems in each studio to ensure an air change rate of 5 per hour. In addition, BBT will keep all available doors open to provide additional ventilation.
Illness Dancers may not attend class if they have one of the following symptoms within 24 hours of coming onsite: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, and/or more of the following: fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, or any other symptom associated with COVID-19 identified by the CDC.
Individuals exhibiting symptoms associated with COVID-19 will not be allowed to return on site until one of the following occurs:
He/she/they certify that at least 5 days have passed since the symptoms first appeared AND the dancer or employee has been free from fever without the use of fever-reducing medication for at least one (1) day AND respiratory symptoms have improved;
The person is otherwise safe to be around others per CDC criteria for discontinuing home isolation, found at: sick/end-home-isolation.html, as it may be amended from time to time.
Employee and Dancer Symptom Screening Procedures Employees and dancers are asked to self screen prior to coming onsite in the BBT studios. This policy is adopted in compliance with guidance regarding reopening from the Center for Disease Control, California Department of Public Health, and City of Berkeley Health Officer office.
All employees and dancers should self-screen for symptoms the CDC has determined are related to COVID-19 including:
Fever, defined as 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Repeated shaking with chills
Muscle or body aches
Sore throat
New loss of taste or smell
Congestion or runny nose
Pre-Ballet dancers in class at the Berkeley Ballet Theater studios, photography by Natalia Perez
Community Expectations Each community member of BBT plays a vital role in maintaining safety onsite and amongst our community. The number one safety measure is to keep a dancer home if they are sick.
We understand that there are families and BBT community members with higher risk members in their households. As a community that prioritizes health and safety, we must all do our part to adhere to state health recommendations and regulations to control transmission and potential future outbreaks. Moreover, there may be times when BBT asks dancers and families to comply with broader safety measures and we greatly appreciate your cooperation in this regard.
We also expect you will have questions and welcome your feedback and suggestions. We are eager to listen to and help each family navigate any concerns they may have. Please email Executive Director Ali Griffin, at with your questions or concerns.
All members of the BBT community have a shared responsibility to prevent the spread of illness when they are aware or suspect that they have contracted a communicable disease. It is imperative that all members of our school community remain committed to the safety policies and procedures listed in this and future communications to help keep students, staff, and faculty safe. By participating in a class or program with BBT or enrolling your dancer at BBT, you agree to the following requirements.