2024–25 Season: Youth Division Resources

2024–25 Season: August 12, 2024 – May 25, 2024

Thank you for joining Berkeley Ballet Theater for the 2024–25 Season! BBT's faculty and staff are thrilled to guide you on your artistic journey. Below are resources to help you navigate this season.

If you are new to BBT, please reach out to School Manager Jenna Marie at jennam@berkeleyballet.org to schedule a placement class for your dancer.

2021 Summer Intensive Faculty correcting Youth Division dancers, photo by Alexander Reneff-Olson

2021 Summer Intensive Faculty correcting Youth Division dancers, photo by Alexander Reneff-Olson

BBT Studio Company dancers, photo by Alexander Reneff-Olson

BBT Faculty member demonstrating during Modern class at the 2021 Summer Intensive

BBT Faculty member demonstrating during Modern class at the 2021 Summer Intensive

BBT's Studio Company dancers in Dani Rowe’s O, photo by Natalia Perez

BBT's Studio Company dancers in Dani Rowe’s O, photo by Natalia Perez

BBT’s Youth Division and Studio Company dancers in Robin Dekkers’ Rhapsody, photo by Natalia Perez