BBT Youth Division dancer, photo by Alexander Reneff-Olson
BBT Youth Division dancer, photo by Alexander Reneff-Olson
Pre-Ballet and Youth division policies
Dancer and Guardian Policies
Updated: August 2024
BBT Divisions.
Pre-Ballet Division dancers attend We Dance Together (Ages 2–4 with a participating Guardian), Creative Movement (Ages 3–5), and Pre-Ballet (Ages 5–7) classes.
Youth Division dancers progress through Introduction to Level 1 through Level 9 based on age and dance development. Dancers qualify to join Youth Division Level 1 by participating in a placement class and being at least 6.5 years old by September 1 of the year they intend to enroll.
Dancers in Youth Division Level 5 and above elect to train in either the Batterie Syllabus or Pointe Syllabus; Syllabus-specific Batterie or Pointe classes provide specialized training. Although Batterie has been traditionally associated with male dancers and Pointe with female dancers, BBT welcomes each dancer to select their preferred Syllabus, regardless of a dancer’s gender identity or sex-assigned-at-birth. Level-specific Batterie and Pointe Syllabi are cumulative, so BBT asks dancers to be consistent with their selection from Season to Season to avoid falling behind their classmates. Dancers who elect to study a Syllabus that does not align with the sex assigned to them at birth are requested to schedule a meeting with the Artistic Staff to discuss their path forward into the larger dance world.
Adult Open Division dancers attend individual classes (age 13 and above) from the current Adult Open Division schedule on a class-by-class basis.
Level and Class Placement.
Dancer placement is extremely important for proper development and safety. BBT Artistic Staff and Faculty will make recommendations regarding appropriate enrollment for all dancers in the school.
Seasonal and Sessional Pre-Ballet Division dancers enroll based on their age as of the date of the first class of a program.
Youth Division dancers are placed in a Level by the Artistic Staff, with input from faculty members. Dancers are not promoted on a strictly Seasonal basis, and dancers who are not promoted have not failed; the Artistic Staff frequently determine that dancers will see more improvement by remaining at their current level. During the first two weeks of a new session and throughout the Season as needed the Artistic Staff may assign a dancer to a different level. No appeals regarding placement are accepted.
Adult Open Division placement is dancer-determined. BBT always recommends that dancers begin with a level slightly under what they may believe to be appropriate to get a safe sense of the kind of training they wish to pursue.
Youth Division: Pointe Shoes.
Dancers studying the Pointe Syllabus have the opportunity to train en pointe. Youth Division Level 5 Pointe Syllabus dancers will be considered for pointe shoes when they are 11 to 11.5 years of age.
Dancers who are beginning their training en pointe will purchase BBT’s Pointe Shoe Package, which includes a BBT Faculty Member attending your dancer’s first pointe shoe fitting at a local dancewear store and with a professional pointe shoe fitter; a sewing and pointe shoe care lesson; and a 30 minute private lesson with a BBT faculty member.
Pre-Ballet and Youth Division: Class Observation.
Designated observation days will be communicated to guardians throughout the Season. BBT encourages guardians to take advantage of this policy to whatever extent possible.
Pre-Ballet and Youth Division: Lateness.
Although not always possible, dancers are encouraged to arrive fifteen minutes before class to begin to focus, stretch, and prepare themselves. Dancers must arrive on time for class properly dressed, groomed, and ready to dance. Chronic lateness will impact a dancer’s training and progression. A dancer arriving more than thirty minutes late will be asked to observe class inside the studio and take notes; important warm-up exercises which safely prepare a dancer for movement take place at the start of each class. A dancer arriving fewer than fifteen minutes late should wait quietly in the studio until invited by their teacher to warm up and join class.
Youth Division: Absences.
Dancers in the Youth Division are expected to maintain exceptional attendance and prioritize their dance training at BBT. However, we understand that conflicts arise that may prevent a dancer from attending their regularly scheduled classes. Parent/guardians are requested to notify BBT of the absence using the absence notification link in the Student Resources tab on the website. If multiple classes will be missed, please inform the Artistic Staff via email to
Dancers are expected to make up all missed classes by attending a technique class a level below their own class. For dancers age 13+, makeup classes may be taken in the class level below or in the Adult Open Division. Dancers are asked to arrive early and identify themself as a makeup class dancer at the beginning of the class. Makeup classes may not be taken after the conclusion of the semester.
Dancers who miss more than one class per semester without completing a makeup, or who routinely miss a class with a specific faculty member, will fall behind their classmates. In the event a dancer misses beyond this amount of classes or does not make up their classes, BBT reserves the right to adjust casting and promotion to best support both the dancer's progress as well as that of the class.
Dancers who miss class are not eligible for tuition refunds. Makeup classes in the Youth and Adult Division may be taken free of charge.
In the event a dancer suffers from a mental health crisis, physical injury, or is required to miss a significant amount of class due to an unforeseen event, BBT will develop an individualized, prorated tuition and class plan with the dancer and family. BBT does not prorate missed classes due to vacation, school trips, or other planned events.
All Divisions: Behavior.
Dancers must conduct themselves respectfully in class and while waiting for class in hallways and restrooms. Dancers with questions or comments that are related to the class work are invited to raise their hand and will be called on at an appropriate time. If a dancer has a question or comment not related to the class work, they are asked to speak with the teacher or a member of the BBT staff outside of class. Disruptive dancers are given one warning; if they continue to disrupt, they are asked to observe class or wait in the office.
Dancers and faculty members will begin each Season with a group conversation regarding gender pronoun preferences and preferred names for students and Faculty.
The BBT office, Faculty, and Artistic Staff will customarily refer to participants as “dancers” in order to best support each dancer’s individual gender pronoun preference and refrain from making relationship assumptions about guardians and dancers.
During on-site classes, Faculty may use tactile cueing as a means of providing an understanding of body alignment and physicality. Parent/guardians of dancers who wish to opt-out of receiving hands-on adjustments should contact the BBT office so that all of the dancer’s teachers may be informed.
Pre-Ballet and Youth Division: Communications.
BBT’s primary method of communication with dancers and guardians is through email or updates to the BBT website. Dancers in Youth Division Level 5–9 are required to provide a personal email address to BBT so that they can also receive relevant communications.
Additional information may be posted on the designated bulletin boards throughout the studios.
Occasionally BBT will provide handouts to students during class time. Please review these handouts when they make it home.
Youth Division: Teacher Conferences.
Conferences are available by appointment throughout the year and can be initiated by dancers, parent/guardians, or Faculty members. Conferences are a valuable time to give and receive feedback and discuss any questions or concerns. Please be aware that most Faculty members teach back-to-back classes and cannot give proper consideration to questions at the beginning or end of class.
Dancers and parent/guardians will be expected to attend a Mid-Year Conference with the Artistic Staff at the conclusion of the first semester or beginning of the second semester. These conferences are an important part of a dancer’s progression through the program and provide the opportunity for a dancer to receive a summary of the feedback that they have been receiving during their training.
BBT strives to create a nurturing environment for all dancers. Ballet is a difficult art form and there will be disappointments and triumphs throughout the training process. BBT works to support families and dancers through every up and down, and Artistic Staff members are always happy to meet with dancers and parents/guardians.
Youth Division: Volunteers.
From time to time dancers are invited to volunteer for younger classes to support productions, ongoing rehearsals, or in other ways. BBT is happy to provide community service verification for academic schools or college applications for ongoing volunteering.
If your dancer is interested in volunteering, please contact the office at
Uniform and Hair:
Dancers are expected to comply with the uniform and hair information for all remote and in-person classes. The BBT uniform and hair requirements are listed at
Hair and uniform requirements are an important part of the mental preparation of the ballet class. They are a signal for the dancer to prepare physically and emotionally for doing their best work inside the studio or during their remote classes. We understand that daily routines can be hectic, and ask for families to do their best to support their dancer in this pre-class preparation.
Hourly Studio Rental Rate:
The BBT studios are available for rentals. Rates and scheduling inquiries should be made via
Hourly Private Lesson Rate:
Students who are interested in taking private lessons with a BBT Faculty member may do so at the BBT studios. Faculty members set individualized private lesson rates. Dancers and families interested in a private lesson should reach out to the office at for scheduling. Dancers will be expected to pay the Faculty member directly for the private lesson and will need to pay the associated studio rental fee to the BBT office.
Drop-In Classes:
BBT’s Adult Open Division classes are available to Youth Division dancers aged thirteen and up and can be taken as a make-up class or for the “Student” fee. The Adult Open Division class schedule is available on the BBT website.
Background Checks:
BBT employees provide supervision, instruction, and services to youth. We strive to create a safe, healthy work environment for employees, volunteers, and partners, and the dancers and children that we serve. BBT faculty and staff receive background checks upon hiring.
Personal Safety:
Although BBT strives to maintain a safe environment for employees and dancers, all persons on site should take basic precautions for their personal safety:
Dial 911 if a situation represents immediate danger or harm.
Report all events, occurrences, threatening situations, students who demonstrate behaviors of concern that may be disruptive to themselves or others to the BBT office or a BBT faculty member.
Become familiar with personnel in the building in order to recognize unfamiliar faces and concerning behavior.
Regardless of age, EVERY DANCER must enter and leave the building with street clothes worn over their ballet uniform.
When entering and exiting the building use an awareness of street traffic. Do not loiter outside the building, especially after dark.
Vehicles should be locked. Do not leave personal valuables in a vehicle or anything in sight.
BBT does not provide supervision outside of class and rehearsal time.
Dancers in Levels 1–3 should not arrive more than 15 minutes early and are encouraged to stretch and warm up inside a studio or in the warehouse space once they arrive. Dancers in Levels 4–9 are expected to arrive 15–30 minutes early for classes to stretch, warm up, and be physically and mentally prepared when class begins.
Parents and guardians are to walk dancers into the building. BBT requests that parents and guardians visibly confirm that dropped-off dancers have entered the school.
For safety, dancers must be picked up from inside the building. Please do not ask dancers to wait outside. Dancers who are not picked up promptly should wait in the warehouse space.
*Please note that Arrival and Pick-up procedures will change to comply with COVID-19 recommendations.
Dancers Traveling Alone:
If dancers take public transportation, walk, or drive themselves to and from BBT, parent/guardians must notify the BBT office in writing on their registration form; this information is noted in roll sheets.
Parking is available in either metered parking on 10th Street (two-hour limit), or free parking in the residential area one block away (unlimited time limit).
Youth Division dancers in Level 1 - 4 are not permitted to leave BBT on their breaks without written consent to the BBT Office. Dancers in Level 5 - 6 are expected to manage their time and come and go from the Studios with verbal notification to the BBT office and in groups. Dancers in Levels 7 - 9 are expected to manage their time and come and go from the Studios as they need. Dancers are encouraged to bring lots of food, snacks, and water - especially during long rehearsal days or to eat between their academic school and the start of ballet. Eating and drinking is not permitted in the studio, except for bottled water. Dancers may eat or drink in the common areas.
Dancers must keep their ballet bags and other belongings with them in the studio. Items left elsewhere are at risk of being stolen. Dancers should check the Lost-and-Found basket for missing belongings and place unclaimed belongings in the Lost-and-Found.
Dancers who see something or someone unusual on or around the BBT premises should immediately come to the office or inform a Faculty member.
Enrollment for the Youth Division Season closes October 1, or when full. Enrollment for the Youth Division opens again for the month of January for levels with space. Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis. A completed and signed registration form must be submitted before a dancer attends classes.
Dancers enrolled at the beginning of the Season are presumed to be enrolled through the end of the academic year; parents or guardians are responsible for the full Seasonal tuition.
If a dancer chooses to withdraw from the program, written notice must be provided to BBT. Families are refunded the value of remaining classes beginning the week (Monday-Sunday) following their dancer's last class.
For a dancer joining after the start of the session, tuition will be prorated on a weekly basis. For dancers joining mid-week, the prorated tuition for the full week will be counted. Dancers are encouraged to use makeup class opportunities to compensate for these missed classes.
BBT reserves the right to cancel any class with insufficient enrollment.
Tuition Payment:
BBT does not automatically charge credit cards.
Following registration, a dancer's enrollment is confirmed by the artistic staff. Tuition fees are posted to the family account via the Jackrabbit Class Portal. Once updated, account contacts will receive an email from the BBT office outlining payment options and methods. Please respond to this email by either logging into the JackRabbit Class Portal and submitting the appropriate credit card payment or by bringing a check, payable to "Berkeley Ballet Theater" to the BBT office.
BBT lists total annual tuition and a minimum monthly payment on enrollment web pages. Payment in full is due by the conclusion of a dancer's enrolled session.
Dancers whose accounts are in arrears will not be allowed to enroll in future sessions or workshops until the balance is paid or until a personalized payment plan can be organized through the BBT office.
BBT's seasonal tuition values, prorated values, and tuition assistance values are determined by:
(1) a Level-specific hourly rate;
(2) a normative weekly schedule from which an hours-per-week value is derived by adding Level-specific and Syllabus-specific hours-per-week values;
(3) a 37 week Season.
Each week in BBT's Season may be dynamically adjusted by Artistic Staff.
BBT expects minor schedule alterations and adjustments to be determined by Artistic Staff on a daily basis; these adjustments do not affect tuition calculations.
BBT expects schedule modifications due to holidays, rehearsals, and inter-institutional opportunities such as auditions to be determined by Artistic Staff on a seasonal basis; these adjustments do not affect tuition calculations.
BBT will base emergency closures on dancers' health and safety. In the event of an emergency closure, BBT will determine and communicate make-up class schedules to affected dancers.
Tuition Prorating:
Late start: Tuition is prorated on a weekly basis; a dancer's tuition begins the week (Monday-Sunday) they join the Youth Division. Where a dancer joins mid-week, they may take make-up classes equivalent to any classes missed that week.
Schedule modifications: Where schedule modifications have been approved by artistic staff, tuition is prorated by subtracting modified hours for the agreed upon number of weeks from the standard tuition calculus.
BBT does not prorate missed classes; dancers are expected to make up missed time per BBT artistic staff. If a dancer experiences a mental health crisis or physical injury or is required to miss a significant amount of class, BBT will develop a prorate plan with dancers and families on a case-by-case basis.
BBT reserves the right to update these policies at any time and without notice.
Withdrawal and Refund:
A withdrawal refund is available as either credit towards alternate tuition or a refund consistent with the initial payment method. To receive a tuition refund for a Youth Division or Pre-Ballet class (classes beginning in September and concluding in June), a withdrawal request must be submitted in writing. Families are refunded the value of remaining classes beginning the week (Monday-Sunday) following their dancer's last class.
Sibling Discount:
There is a discount of 10% of the annual tuition amount for Youth Division siblings of BBT Youth Division dancers. The discount is applied to the lower-Level tuition(s) only.
Please pay through the Jackrabbit Class Portal registration system, or drop off or mail payments to the BBT office or the green mailbox by the front doors. Do not leave payments with a BBT faculty member.
Cash: Please include a note with the dancer’s name and level.
Check: Make checks payable to “Berkeley Ballet Theater” or “BBT”. Please include the dancer’s name and level on the memo line.
Credit Card: Payments may be made via the JackRabbit Class Registration system.
Late Payment:
Dancers who are in arrears with their payments will not be able to enroll in additional classes and workshops until an individualized payment plan can be coordinated with the BBT Office.
Tuition Assistance Program:
Founded with a dedication to excellence and diversity, Berkeley Ballet Theater’s mission is to provide rigorous ballet training to dancers of any age, race, gender, or socioeconomic class, with the goal of breaking down the narrow, homogeneous aesthetic traditional to ballet. BBT’s Tuition Assistance program is part of this mission and is designed to provide ongoing support to families in need of assistance for their dancer to continue study in ballet or to provide single-time assistance to families whose financial circumstances have unexpectedly shifted. More information:
Artistic Director Scholarship:
The Artistic Director Scholarship is awarded at the discretion of the Artistic Staff based on a dancer’s capacity, his or her enhancement of the BBT work environment, and his or her exemplary behavior in and out of the classroom. Each year one dancer will be awarded a full scholarship for that year’s tuition to recognize their meritorious behavior.
Executive Director Scholarship:
The Executive Director Scholarship is awarded at the discretion of the Executive Staff based on a dancer’s exemplary behavior in and out of the classroom, their dedication to their dance training and progression, and their hard work. Each year one dancer will be awarded a full scholarship for that year’s tuition to recognize their meritorious behavior.
BBT considers performances to be an important part of the training process. During the preparation of a production, dancers learn policies, protocol, and traditions of the theater known and practiced throughout the world. Dancers will have the opportunity to select a number of performance opportunities throughout each season and are encouraged to participate. In addition to the dance benefits of performing, the experience is often critical in the development of friendships and skills of confidence and stress management which will benefit dancers beyond the ballet studio.
Performance Preparation:
Performance Packets are handed out to all participating dancers. They contain precise arrival schedules for rehearsals and performances as well as clothing, hairstyle, makeup, and supply requirements. Dancers must arrive at the studios at their assigned call time.
BBT provides costumes, but each dancer is responsible for providing the proper color and style of shoes, tights, leotards, dance belts, hair supplies, and makeup. Shoes, tights, and leotards must be clean.
No jewelry or nail polish may be worn onstage. Tattoos must be covered; if pierced earrings cannot be removed they must be covered with a small Band-Aid.
Dancers may be met by friends and family at the studio doors after the performance, not in the theater. Friends and family are not allowed backstage.
Volunteering at BBT is essential. No performance can happen without parent and guardian volunteers and dancers who participate in performances are expected to have parent/guardian volunteer commitment.
Location & Mailing Address:
BBT is located at 1370 Tenth Street, Berkeley, CA 94710.
BBT’s website has information about all aspects of the Pre-Ballet, Youth, and Adult Open Divisions as well as information about upcoming Performances and Summer Programming: