Taking on the Legacy of Fritz with Nicholas Rio

In response to last month’s blog, Brian Fisher: Becoming Fritz, Nicholas Rio, BBT alumni, shares his story of Brian passing the torch, his journey taking on the role of Fritz, and his time performing in Sally Streets and Robbie Nichols’ Nutcracker production.

Brian Fisher's final performance as Fritz was the last show of that year's Nutcracker run. Clara and Fritz had a quick change immediately after their “Finale” appearance, from Act 2 costumes to Act 1 costumes for the “Epilogue.” After the bows, many of Brian's former partners brought him flowers from the audience, and then Brian rushed offstage to grab the Act 2 costume that was hanging in the wings. He called me up and handed over the costume, passing the torch in a way. I don't remember which role I danced specifically that year, but I must have been dancing a divertissement role, either Spanish, Arabian Boy, or Russian.

I was 13 when I first performed Fritz. Fritz represented the highest level of partnering, choreography, and acting I had in a role thus far. My partner, Zoe, and I had grown up watching Brian as Fritz. He was an incredible mentor as we learned the roles! That year we performed only Act 1 for the outreach shows, allowing us to focus on our characterization of Clara and Fritz. The following year Zoe and I debuted in the full production, which included the more challenging partnering of Act 2.

Clara and Fritz are on stage for almost the entire production, except for the “Snow” and “Grand Pas” scenes. The role requires stamina not only for the dancing but also for the acting. I remember Zoe and I meticulously thinking through the emotions communicated in every gesture, every exchange. I was lucky to dance Fritz alongside one of my greatest friends, so portraying a brother-sister relationship on stage came naturally for us. The challenge was to translate that organic friendship into moments that read effectively for the audience and contributed to a larger arc or character interpretation.

In Act 2's “Waltz of the Flowers,” the audience gets to see Clara and Fritz really dance. I think this moment in the ballet represents the siblings' growth and transformation, fully inhabiting their dream “Land of the Sweets.” I will always remember the genuine joy I felt each time we entered amongst the Flowers corps and Butterfly. The music, lifts, jumps, and turns are all very celebratory. In particular, there's one moment in the last section with a bunch of finger turns. I remember Zoe and I pulling off more than we expected despite a mishap moments earlier where my hand got stuck in the big pink bow on Clara's costume–that bow always made partnering harder! But we did it, and I remember laughing out loud as we pulled off the turns and prepared for the final shoulder sit.

It's really hard to choose my favorite Nutcracker role, but I think I'd say the Cavalier. I performed this role in my final year at BBT. It felt like the culmination of many years of dancing roles opposite Zoe, but I'd say those three years dancing Clara and Fritz solidified our partnership. Clara and Fritz are the heart of the ballet, and in performing Fritz I learned how to approach future principal roles.

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